Twenty-one Years of Photographic Postings, Page 2.
   An autobiography in photography.  

 The Postcards, 4 x 6 inches, were sent by mail as often as once a month, or as seldom as three times a year between 1974 and 1995.

 They were sent to as many as 150 people but eventually limited to a list of 100.

 Costs, including production and mailing, never exceeded one dollar per unit. They were very labor intensive but the labor was mine.

 Some people saved the entire set.

-Wm. Franklin McMahon


Postcards outlined in blue can be enlarged.



Gus Hall headed the American Communist Party ticket for many years.



Len O'Connor, Chicago television commentator.






Johnny Majors was the Pitt coach and Tony Dorsett the star running back, South Bend, IN.

I took the photograph below in Cuba City, WI in 1974, 13 years later I bought a house near there.




Daniel Berrigan, the radical Catholic Priest, in Detroit, MI.


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all images: © 1997 Wm. Franklin McMahon