Twenty-one Years of Photographic Postings, Page 8.
   An autobiography in photography.  

 The photographs on this page were taken for Boy Scout publications over the past nine years.

 Early in my career my Photography work was primarily for editorial clients. Later, more of the work was done for corporate or business clients. Now, much of my work is done on a computer.

 As my business evolved the Photography business changed.

-Wm. Franklin McMahon


Postcards outlined in blue can be enlarged.

Magician Harry Blackstone in Holland, MI.


Camporee at Circus World in Baraboo, WI.
Postcards 111 and 106 were taken at an Explorer Troop Madrigal Feast in Racine, WI.
Russian Boy Scouts
at a camp in WI.




Postcards 114 and 115 are of Tony Goskowicz, Olympic speed skater in Milwaukee, WI.

Postcards 109 and 91 are of a 19th Century reenactment in Burlington, IA.



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all images: © 1997 Wm. Franklin McMahon