Twenty-one Years of Photographic Postings, Page 5.

   An autobiography in photography.  

 The effectiveness of the Postcards also varied. They were most successful in the beginning of the series. The last couple of years they seemed to have no effect. The Postcard medium which always was quaint seemed archaic to me.

 In 1995 I stopped sending Postcards. Also in 1995 I launched my first Web Site.

-Wm. Franklin McMahon


Postcards outlined in blue can be enlarged.




In the late '70s and early '80s I thought underwater photography was my salvation.







For a series of educational filmstrips I traveled throughout Canada, from Inuvik to Newfoundland.





Jane Byrne, a Mayor of Chicago between the Daleys.

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all images: © 1997 Wm. Franklin McMahon