Lunar New Year Celebration, Chinatown, Chicago( 中文版 Chinese Version)

A year after my trip to China and my earlier visit to Chinatown I returned to Chinatown for the Lunar New Year (Xinnian - 新 年) celebration
and parade.

There was the Chicago Dragons Athletic Association's 100ft long Dragon ..

and Lion Dance teams.

The day before going to China I went to Chinatown to work out some techniques. This was the morning of the Chicago Marathon. The high was a humid 89oF that day. The announcers said this was good preparation for running in the Beijing Olympics next summer. More about the trip and a link to a photo spread using photos from the trip in the Rizhao News, China.
Chinatown, Chicago Lunar New Year Celebration, Chicago

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There was Linda Yu, a local TV news personality, as Grand Marshall.